Sunday 18 March 2018

Homophones: Land v Lend

Land (noun): the surface of the earth that is not covered by water.

  • My relatives bought a plot of land to build their dream home a few years ago.
  • Land has become so scarce (= not easy to find or get) in the city. It's no wonder it's so expensive to own a piece of property now. 

Lend (verb): to give something to someone, expecting it to be returned in future.
  • Michelle doesn't like lending people her books as she doesn't always get them back. 
  • James only consented (= agreed) to lend Michael some money because Michael had lost his job.

Saturday 3 March 2018

Words From The Same Family - Differ v Different

Differ (verb) - not the same when compared to sth or someone else in one (or more than one) way.

  • The twins may look identical (= exactly the same or very similar), but they differ in everything else.
  • Matthew's views (= opinion) on marriage differs greatly from those of his parents.

Different (adj) - not the same.

  • Randy finds dining at different restaurants every week fun and exciting.
  • Alex is very different now that he's started working.
  • Freedom means different things to different people.