Sunday 16 December 2018

Homonyms - Cross (As a Verb and Noun)

1. (verb) Go across.
  • Turn right after crossing the bridge.
  • This is not the best place to cross the road.
  • We crossed from Vienna into Prague just as the sun was about to set.

2. (verb) - To annoy.
  • I wouldn't cross John if I were you, not if you value peace in the house.

3. (noun) - To mark.
  • Put a cross next to your answers. 
  • There was a huge red cross on the door. So, we assumed no one was allowed to enter the room.

Sunday 2 December 2018

Verbal Idioms - Bite Someone's Head Off

Meaning - to speak angrily or aggressively to someone. 

  • I'm sorry for interrupting you during the meeting. However, you needn't have bitten my head off!
  • Mr Wilkins was so upset with Rachael for missing the project deadline that he bit her head off.