Saturday 21 April 2018

Homophones - Steel v Steal

Steel (noun) - a type of strong metal used for making things like vehicles and buildings.

  • The gate was locked with a huge padlock and a heavy steel chain.
  • It seems the steel industry is doing well despite the gloomy economy.

Steal (verb) - to take sth that doesn't belong to you and keeping it.

  • Daniel was fired after he admitted to stealing from the company.  
  • Robbers broke into the wealthy man's house and stole all his money, watches and jewellery.

Saturday 14 April 2018

Words From The Same Family - Tire v Tireless v Tiresome

Tire (verb) - to begin to feel tired.

  • Even walking up the stairs tires my aging grandmother these days.
  • The long journey had tired us.

Tireless (adj) - to work energetically and continuously.

  • The police have been tireless in their search for the missing child.
  • Everyone at the company knows as Sam as a tireless and helpful employee.

Tiresome (adj) - annoying.

  • Tim has the tiresome habit of asking the same questions over and over again.
  • I find it tiresome doing house chores every week.