Sunday 18 August 2019

Similes with As - As Innocent as a Lamb/Child

Meaning - inexperienced, gullible.

  • This is her first job right out of college. She is as innocent as a lamb/child.
  • She looks as innocent as a lamb/child in that outfit. It's no wonder everyone thought she was an intern!
  • Tim was as innocent as a lamb/child when he was a teen. But all that changed when he went to college. 

Sunday 4 August 2019

Homonyms - Plot (As a Noun and Verb)

1. (noun) - story

  • The movie has a very simple but exciting plot.
  • The plots of all his books are very similar to each other.

2. (noun) - plan

  • Randy's plot to run away with his girlfriend was recently discovered by his parents. 
  • The police have foiled (= prevented) a plot to rob the bank.

3. (noun) - ground

  • We were surprised to see so many plots of land near our neighbourhood for sale. 

4. (verb) - plan
  • John is plotting a surprise party for his son's 18th birthday.
  • We were shocked to hear about William plotting to steal his company's money.