Sunday 27 October 2019

Homonyms - Wave (As a Verb and Noun)

1. (verb) - to move your had from side to side.

  • Despite waving several times at the waiter, he didn't seem to notice us.
  • I noticed Richard has the habit of waving his hands around a lot when he is talking. 

2. (noun) - water.

  • Rachael loves listening to the sound of the waves crashing against the shore.
  • The surfers are clearly enjoying riding the big waves at the beach.

3. (noun) - large number.
  • Hong Kong has been hit by a wave of protests over the past few months. 
  • A new wave of job losses is expected in certain industries next year.

Sunday 6 October 2019

Confusing and Misused Words - Past v Pass

Past (preposition, adverb) - position

  • We live on Brighton Road, just past the supermarket.
  • Was that James who just cycled past us in that bright orange cap? 
  • Sally was so distracted on her phone that she walked right past us without noticing us.

Pass (verb) - to go past.

  • I passed John in the hallway this morning.
  • If you pass a supermarket today, please get some milk.
  • Please step aside and let other people pass.
  • Don't buy food that have passed their expiry date.