Sunday 28 April 2019

Similes - As Tough as Nails

Meaning - strong and determined.

  • Maria may be soft-spoken, but she is as tough as nails at work.
  • Being a single parent can be tough. It's just as well Tara is as tough as nails or she probably wouldn't be able to cope with the pressure of raising her son all by herself.

Sunday 14 April 2019

Homophones: Tale v Tail

Tale (noun- a story, usually made up or difficult to believe.

  • I think Larry told his teacher a tale about falling sick yesterday to explain his absence.
  • The children enjoyed listening to Sam's tales about his life as a sailor. 

Tail (noun) - a part of an animal's body.

  • The dog's tail was peeping out from under the table.
  • As Tim reached for the dog food, Fluffy started wagging his tail excitedly.