Sunday 25 October 2020

Words From The Same Family - Explanation v Explanatory

 Explanation (noun) - details or reasons given to   make sth clear or easy to understand.

  • Could you please give us a quick explanation of how this machine works?
  • What was Randy's explanation for not attending the party?
  • William had no explanation for being late today.

Explanatory (adj) - to help make sth clear or understandable.

  • The explanatory notes below the diagram definitely helped me understand the lesson better.
  • Please include some explanatory words at the bottom of every chart in your report. 

Sunday 11 October 2020

Phrasal Verbs - Look Into Sth


Meaning - to study the facts about a situation or problem.

  • We're looking into buying a new printer for the office.
  • John was looking into hiring another chef, but it was too expensive.
  • If you really look into it, you'll probably find that it's not a very good deal.
  • We're looking into the possibility of visiting my aunt in Australia during Christmas.

Sunday 4 October 2020

Words From The Same Family (Theft v Thief)

 Theft (noun) - the act of taking sth that doesn't   belong to you and keeping it.

  • There's been an increase the number of minor offences such as traffic violations and petty theft in the country.
  • Unfortunately, we've had several thefts in the neighbourhood recently.
  • Two employees were arrested for theft of company information.

Thief (noun) - a person who steals.

  • Thieves broke into the art gallery last night and got away with three valuable paintings.
  • The police believe he's the thief, but they can't prove it.