Sunday 29 November 2020

Phrasal Verbs - Turn Down


1. to refuse. 

  • I thanked Mr Smith for the job offer, but turned it down.
  • Would you turn down money to do something you don't enjoy?
  • I offered to give her a lift to work, but she turned down my offer.
  • The bank turned Sally down for a loan.

2. to reduce.

  • Could you please turn down the volume of the TV? I'm trying to study.
  • Everyone was annoyed with Tim because he kept turning the central heating down.

Sunday 22 November 2020

Homonyms - Arrest (As a Noun and Verb)

 1. (verb) - to catch.

  • The police arrested Sam when they found drugs in his car.
  • Alexa was arrested for shoplifting at the age of 16.

2. (verb) - to stop.

  • The vaccine has failed to arrest the spread of the virus.
  • The latest treatment has done little to arrest the spread of the cancer in her body.

3. (noun) - the act of arresting somebody.

  • Two arrests were made, but no one has been charged yet.
  • He was stopped at the airport and placed under arrest.

Sunday 8 November 2020

Words and Phrases You Can Stop Using

 Hi everyone!

Just thought I'd share this list of redundant words and phrases compiled by Grammarly (in link below). Certain words and phrases make your text unnecessarily long, and sometimes confusing. Lean writing requires knowing which words or phrases to leave out. 

Hope you find the tips in this article useful!