Sunday 8 October 2017

How to Write the Perfect ‘Thank You’ Email for Any Situation By Abigail Hess

1. After a networking meeting

Danny Rubin, email expert and author of "Wait, How Do I Write This Email?," says that the secret to the perfect thank you email after a networking meeting is to keep the conversation going.
Rubin writes, "Within 24 hours of your networking meeting, you need to send a thank you email. It's not enough to say 'Thanks so much' when you're in the room with the person."
One way you can increase the likelihood of your contact responding to your message is to recap what you learned from your conversation. "Show the person you value his/her advice. In fact, you find the person's wisdom so notable that you repeat it back."
Rubin explains that repeating a person's advice is "a major ego boost and an added incentive for the person to pass along your resume, meet up again or send networking emails on your behalf."

    2. After hosting an event

If you host an event, thanking your guests is the best way to keep in touch and take advantage of the social capital your event hopefully generated.
In this situation, Rubin suggests using the "wrinkle method." A "wrinkle" is a moment that caught people by surprise and made the event memorable. By including one of these special moments in your email, the "wrinkle method" allows you to develop a personal relationship before you "jump right into business."
*To read more about the 'wrinkle method', please go to

     3. After an interview

Sending a follow-up email after an interview is a crucial step when applying for a job. The key with the follow-up message is to include something the person said in the conversation that stood out to you. That way, it proves you listened and makes the message stronger than a basic 'Thanks again!

Another way to make sure that your email improves your chances of landing the job is to read their website, brochures and pamphlets to get a sense of how they communicate and what they value. If a company repeatedly uses the word "synergy," use similar but more conversational words like "teamwork" and "collaboration."

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