Sunday 17 March 2019

Don't Make These 11 Annoying Email Mistakes That Can Drive Your Co-workers (and Bosses) Crazy

I believe Shelby Skrhak highlighted most of the annoying mistakes to avoid if your intention is to write a clear, effective email. I personally resonate with tips  number 4, 6 and 8.

Many tend to underestimate the importance of having good or great subject lines. I, for one, aim to make the nature of my emails as clear as possible in the subject title. For example, I was recently looking for a particular Seiko watch model and wanted to know if it was available in Melbourne. So, when I wrote to Seiko Australia, my subject title read like this - 'Is model XYZ available in Melbourne?' I was delighted (though not surprised) when I got a reply in less than 10 minutes.

Tip number 6 touched on introduction. I cannot stress how important this is. Taking the time to establish how you met the other party or how you got their contact details almost always guarantees a prompt and friendly greeting. I know this because I make it a point to do this every time I am writing someone I've just met or someone I was referred to by a friend.

As for starting your emails with the most information, I would highly recommend it given how short our attention spans are. It definitely doesn't help that we are constantly bombarded by information on a daily basis too. 

Anyway, I hope you find the article (in link below) helpful!


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